The Programme of Inquiry for this quarter for Grade 1 and 2 was Food. To hook the kids onto the topic we postponed their snack break for a while and to make it worse,we erased “Snack Break”from their agenda.
The children learnt to create a mind map and a KWL chart to take process further.They also enjoyed observing the vegetables growing in the school vegetable garden and had great fun learning the process of seed germination by which a plant grows from a seed.They also researched on the health benefits of various seeds.
Children explored the 5 food groups and learnt the importance of a balanced diet through the food pyramid.They also inquired about the Indian and International Cuisines by interviewing people at school and home, taking surveys, researching on the internet, through magazines and newspapers etc.
After learning about food, we moved onto our Digestive system as digestion plays an important role for a healthy life. Children now know that digestive system breaks down the food and it gets converted into energy.
Children have only been to cafes with their parents, but obviously none have the experience of running one. And thats exactly what the culmination of our POI – Food was all about. To begin with the culmination, the kids made a list of food items and took a survey to decide the food menu.Then we listed out the ingredients for the same. A pre order session was done where kids went to all the classes to take orders from teachers as well children, as we did not want wastage of food and also to get a fair idea of how much food needs to made.They children made color coded coupons according to the order taken. We then decided on the name “ARTY CAFE”, by taking votes from teachers.Then we listed out the ingredients, made the menu cards and chef caps, decided on their roles ,made a list of utensils etc.
On the final day children learnt to clean, chop, grate, cook, serve.
‘Food is essential for life and can go through changes before we eat it’