Yearly Yatra
The school year is designed well to break the whole into parts, a year into terms which further break into months and then weeks and days and 45-minute sessions. But there is rarely a time to look back and take stock and marvel at that which is done. That is what Yearly Yatra does.
It is at the end of the year when students share with their parents the journey of their entire year. Yearly Yatra is not just about the academic performance visible through the work samples but also about the annual events and assemblies and field trips that make up the year. The students actually make the yatra through their year and finds out how far they have come
GGIS Processes
Funderstanding gives our students an opportunity to evaluate their own learning and sharing it with their parents in the for of activities and games. Activities and presentations in Funderstanding are often in groups where our children also learn collaboration and team work.
Through Funderstanding our teachers also understand skill sets and strengths of each child and also if the children have understood their teachings.
Making Learning Visible
Making Learning Visible or MLV is held every year in August at GGIS. This gives an opportunity to children to present and share their learning with Parent in the form of Portfolio.
It gives us immense pride when we see our children sharing their academics confidently. The students share their work done in notebooks, books, POI sessions, classroom activities, etc. The campus during MLV becomes very vibrant and the parents often are surprised as Children are never willing to leave the campus and go home.
This is what make GGIS a perfect place for Mind Openers.