GGIS organized a session for parents on the importance of Digital Awareness and safety.
The internet is a space that children occupy on a regular basis and we face an enormous challenge as we raise kids who are more tech-savvy and comfortable using gadgets. We believe that internet safety education is an essential part of child’s development. Parents need to have the knowledge and understanding of the issues that their children face online and when they use digital devices for learning, entertainment and socializing.
In the session, we discussed the use of technology by children and young people and the impact of technology use on health, well-being, relationships and reputation. Parenting in the digital world was discussed in depth along with difficulties in safeguarding our children against potential online risks such as cyberbullying. We ended the session with the understanding of the various tools that can be used to provide a safe and fun environment in the digital world and we concluded that the most important thing was to keep the communication channels open with the child.