So last month I was traveling with my husband and two of his friends to a Tech conference in another city. And all three being tech guys started chatting up about recruiting new talent and interns and how they feel let down at times, etc.
So I just casually asked what do they look for in a new employee. Sort of wanted to know the industry’s POV because as schools we are the suppliers of talent to them.
And to answer that question about what they look for in a potential employee, they all, unanimously answered only one thing ie- attitude.
And I was kind of zapped. While i knew it instinctively, this unanimous answer kind of hit me in the face. Because you see, schools in general just don’t work on it. And I said that’s exactly what we don’t do at the school level.
I am not talking of GGIS but generally speaking. Do schools have reams of curriculum and syllabus and Los but attitude? Naah…
But thankfully, just thankfully, we at GGIS work on it through TLIM program and we inculcate the 7 habits deeply. And in doing so if we have to let go a little syllabus or leave out something, I think it is well worth it. I would any day make this trade. Because whether the student or the parent sees it or not, we know that what matters is an attitude to learn.
Once we have that, there is no test that is intimidating. What do you say?