Parenting is challenging and amidst the pandemic when there are so many facts and myths and treatments and messages doing rounds, you sure as a parent will feel overwhelmed and anxious.
In this conversation, I, the MasterNi with Dr Hiral Naik talk about some basic facts and preventive measures to keep your children safe and healthy during this fight with COVID-19
A few things that we talked about.
In the wake of coronavirus, there is an immense amount of information out there about washing hands, keeping distance, isolation, etc. so we shall not reinvent the wheel but can you tell us how does a parent build immunity in their child?
Can you give us a historical perspective of why is coronavirus supposedly so dangerous? Humankind has faced epidemics in the past like the Spanish flu, the plague, etc and has come out victorious albeit with a price. So putting that in perspective how does coronavirus fare? And how do we mitigate it?
In a place like India with an immense density of population, how do we tackle social isolation? Is it possible to stay locked up for 15 days?
Now, coming to the general health of children,
Are there specific developmental milestones that a parent should be aware of? Right from birth to teenagers, how do we know if the child is doing alright?
Is our diet rich enough or do our children need vitamin or mineral supplements?
Tell us about the most difficult patient (or the most difficult parent of the patient) you have handled.
How effective are the Nani ke nuskhe in raising immunity?
Do children experience stress and is it manifested in physical symptoms?
Lastly, what are the chances of a vaccine being found of coronavirus in the near future?
The video will give you a detailed explanation of all these questions covered.